Emergence of subregional Latin American working group on child growth and development

Subregional Latin American Working group on Child Growth and Development

A group of latin american scientists and health professional devoted to the study of growth and development (G&D) of children from local population groups living in different countries of latin america have been recently constituted. The objective of the group is to promote interdisciplinary scientific interaction addressed to generate ideas, knowledge, and initiatives favouring G&D in the children of the Region. Te group is called Subregional Working Study Group on Child Growth and Development (GLACDI, the acronyme in Spanish). The inclusion of this study group as one of the activities of the International Association for the Study of Human Growth and Clinical Auxolgy (ISGA) is the ideal framewok for the activities of the group, benefiting from the nature of ISGA as an international interdisciplinary society and from the scientific level of its members. The group is Coordinated by Dra Mercedes Lopez de Blanco, and will organize meetings in different parts of Latin America in agreement with ISGA authorities, and will also join the meetings cellebrated three yearly by ISGA. The first meeting will be at the Congress of the Latin Americna Society of Nutrition, to be held in Punta Canas, Dominican Republic, in November 2015. The paper to be presented is “Similarities in child growth in some countries of Latin America”, by Macías-Tomei C., López-Blanco M., Martín Rojo J., Lejarraga H., Esquivel M., Aliaga C.

List of members of the Latin American Subregional Study Group on child growth and development

Coordinator: Dra Mercedes López de Blanco (Venezuela). Medical Doctor. Checheta75@gmail.com

Members:  Julieta Arechica (Mexico, Anthropologist), Silvia Caino (Argentina) Pediatrician scaino@intramed.net ; Mauricio Coll (Colombia) Pediatric andocrinologist; Mariana Del Pino (Argentina) Pediatrician mdelpino@intramed.net ; Paola Durán (Colombia)Pediatric endocronologist pduranvc@gmail.com; Mercedes Esquivel (Cuba) Pediatricianmesqui@infomed.sld.cu ; Virginia Fano (Argentina) Pediatrician virginiafano@gmail.com; Ciro González (Cuba) Statistician Estadístico; Hector Herrera (Venezuela) Physical Anthropologist hantonioh@yahoo.com ; Santa Jimenes. Medical doctor (Cuba) Habana.santa@infomed.sld.cu; Diana Kelmansky (Argentina) Mathematician dkelmansky@gmail.com

Maritza Landaeta-Jimenez (Venezuela) maritzalandaeta@gmail.com; Juan Lammoglia Hoyos (Colombia, pediatric endocrinologist) (lammogliahoyos@yahoo.com)

Horacio Lejarraga (Argentina) Pediatrician cursotesis07@gmail.com; Mercedes López de Blanco (Venezuela) checheta75@gmail.com

Coromoto Macías-Tomei (Venezuela) coritomei@gmail.com; María Eugenia Peña,(México), Anthropologist

Betty Méndez Pérez (Venezuela) Physical antrhopologist bioantropologiaucv@gmail.com; Guillermo Ramírez (Venezuela) Statistician

Rosa María Ramos Rodríguez (México) rmrr2525@gmail.com; Joanna Martín Rojo (Venezuela) Statistician.jotamrojo@gmail.com

Mercedes Rubén.Matemática (Cuba) Habana mruben@infomed.sld.cu; María Elena Saenz (Anthropologist), Mexico; Luis Alberto Vargas (México), Antropólogo. Vargas.luisalberto@gmail.com ; Mauro Vasquez Statistician, Venezuela. Claudia Vega Albarrán (Venezuela) Mathematician claudiandrea66@hotmail.com;

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